Love Warriors
The Conscious Expert’s Guide to Healing, Joy, and Manifestation

Arriving January 2023
All students enrolled in Eddie’s Self-Love & Beyond Master Course – Ascending Into Your Heart’s Awareness, will receive both books Love Warriors and Mindset Mastery, for Free.
Lead Author: Laura Di Franco
Co-Authors: Milagros Ruiz Bello, Eddie BenAbraham, Rosalind Beresford, Dan Gorbunow, Jessica Harvey, Dr. Makeba Morgan Hill, Sharon Josef, Rochel Marie Lawson, Birgit Lueders, Abbie Martin, Maureen Mays, Carolyn McGee, Angela Orora Medway-Smith, Donna O-Toole, Ginny Robertson, Angel Rohrer, Kye Sun Rose, Lori Saitz, Katie Shanley, Phil Tavolacci
Book Description:
Have you ever met a love warrior?
We know vulnerability is our strength and show up in the world walking our walk of awareness. What we offer here isn’t for the faint of heart, but it’s life-changing.
Love warriors understand how to practice an other-level mindset and aligned action-taking that sets them apart. We’re trailblazers of a powerful spiritual path and invite you to grab our hands so you don’t have to walk alone. Among these pages you’ll find guides, mentors, coaches, artists, and practitioners who have dedicated their lives to helping you thrive, mind, body, and soul. You’ll be intensely inspired by their stories and thrilled with the practical toolkit in each expert’s master teachings section.
Love warriors know the secrets of living an extraordinary life. Ready to come along for the ride? Because who isn’t interested in that kind of adventure?

Love Warriors Book Launch Party
Join Us on January 6th You’re All Invited
Online event
Time: Jan 6, 2023 10:00 AM Eastern Time (US and Canada)…
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Our Founding Story
Eddie BenAbraham is an International Spiritual Mentor, Teacher, Medium, Channel, Healing Facilitator, Inventor, Presenter, and Bestselling Author.
In 2019, Eddie built (pronounced Vortex) with a mission to assist fellow humans during the shift into Earth’s new Golden Age.
Through his teachings of basic and advanced esoterics, Eddie offers his tribe the awareness and the means to consciously create a life of joy, balanced health, and abundance.
“My Entourage” is what Eddie calls his divine support team. Using the art of reading Turkish coffee grounds, Eddie’s Private Sessions and Coaching Programs give an in-depth reading and can lead to profound realization and healing in your past, present, and future. One of the key subjects in Eddie's powerful courses and presentations is "The Anatomy Of Your Soul”. This subject has been a passion from a young age and today, it has developed into a critical part in understanding the divinity in our human experience.
Through Eddie's extensive Master Course -"The Comprehensive Mentorship For The Awakening Consciousness" he teaches his students The Entourage Healing Modality. It is powerful method of healing developed over a decade with the help of his divine assistance - The Entourage.
In 2017, Eddie introduced to the world one of his inventions: “The Compassion Gauge Tool”. with the help of his friend and master programmer, Peter Bakalov. The Compassion Gauge Tool can automatically detect and measure the level of compassion. Once the user clicks the button, the system recognizes their state-of-being and, in a fraction of a second, shows the level of compassion ranging from one (1) through ten (10).
Eddie's most recent development is his connection with The Seven Founders - The Original Whales. Together with Gaia, the four created "The Spectacle", a two-part healing journey designed to elevate our consciousness in a profound way. After The Spectacle was launched on July 25th, 2023 the experiences of numerous participants made it clear that The Spectacle was divinely given to us for the betterment of humanity.
Eddie’s ongoing work includes a wide range of subjects. You’re invited to join us here on Vort8x the loving community on his online platform to connect with like-hearts. There you will find the services offered and ways to contact Eddie directly.
We look forward to meeting you.

Measure Your Compassion
The objective is to find out how compassionate this healing event is.
For the first 5 seconds, you will see your own result before it is combined into a collective-average.
- Click once.
- No Personal Information is Needed.
- The Tool Detects Your Energy The Moment You "VOTE".
- The more compassion the subject evokes in you, the higher they will rank.
Click here to learn how it works
Why Measure Compassion?
Our goal is to promote compassionate actions in world communities. We offer the Compassion Gauge Tool on specific pages with the intent to inspire people and organizations to meld compassion into their mission and values.
The more compassion the subject evokes in you, the higher the results.
Eddie BenAbraham
President and co-founder
What If I Get Zero?
Does NOT mean you are not a compassionate person!
Compassion is a state-of-being just like love, anger or joy and for each state, there are different levels of experience.
Compassion – Marketing For A New Era – What Will You Choose?
Compassion measurement tool, Compassion measurement, Self compassion measure, Measuring compassion, Levels of compassion, How to measure compassion