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Attain Greater Embodiment of God Through The Divine Awareness of Your Consciousness

Available Programs

Consciously Create Your Reality

Create The Reality You Desire by Your Design

Through this experience, Eddie offers a rewarding and powerful presentation. It is designed to guide you into the initiation of a conscious creator.

This presentation can be combined with more subjects available through Eddie’s work.

The Soul’s Mantle Grid – The Anatomy Of Your Soul

The lost knowledge is back.

The journey through The Soul’s Mantle Grid will enhance your ability to consciously create your reality, channel your Spiritual Entourage, heal yourself and facilitate your clients utilizing the powerful healing modality of “The Entourage Healing” (The Healing Ambassadors).

Through this program, Eddie helps Lightseeds, Earth-workers, Lightworkers, Starseeds, Shamans, Healers and all others who are ready to discover the ways to expand to a higher level of awareness, expand their heart vessel and through their power of consciousness initiate what has been dormant for many lifetimes.

The Original Whales – The Seven Founders

” We are The Seven Founders, we represent the original Whales from the galaxy of water.”
” We are the guardians of the water. We are the bridge between all life in every galaxy.”
” We are from The Central Sun.”
” We are here to gift you, Earth’s Souls what you’ve been waiting for.”

The Original Whales are here to help humanity shift into the Golden Age – The Ascension of the human race.

The information they offer is fascinating to learn and embody as we are now ready to receive some very profound gifts.

The Entourage Healing Modality

The journey through The Soul’s Mantle Grid will enhance your ability to consciously create your reality, channel your Spiritual Entourage, and facilitate healing in others and yourself using the powerful healing modality of The Entourage HealingThe Healing Ambassadors.

Through his program, Eddie helps all who are ready to discover ways to expand to a higher level of awareness, expand their heart vessel, and through their power of consciousness “activate” what has been dormant for many lifetimes.

*This program has additional requirements to attend.

Awakening The Master In You

This is a modulated package with subjects from Eddie’s flagship Master Course

These subjects are available to choose for your package:

Journey of Self-Love
Old Soul & New Soul
The Akashic Records & Past Lives Baggage
Time, Gravity & Consciousness
The Soul’s Mantle Grid Overview
Speaking to Your Cells
Losing The Weight You Want to Gain
Money, Wealth and Abundance
Soul Family and Blood Family
Intuition vs Imagination
Creating Your Reality
Free Choice vs Destiny
Potentials & Synchronicity
Shifting Genders & Sexual Attraction
Divine Masculine & Feminine

Our Founding Story

Eddie BenAbraham is an International Spiritual Mentor, Teacher, Medium, Channel, Healing Facilitator, Inventor, Presenter, and Bestselling Author.

In 2019, Eddie built (pronounced Vortex) with a mission to assist fellow humans during the shift into Earth’s new Golden Age.

Through his teachings of basic and advanced esoterics, Eddie offers his tribe the awareness and the means to consciously create a life of joy, balanced health, and abundance.

“My Entourage” is what Eddie calls his divine support team. Using the art of reading Turkish coffee grounds, Eddie’s Private Sessions and Coaching Programs give an in-depth reading and can lead to profound realization and healing in your past, present, and future. One of the key subjects in Eddie's powerful courses and presentations is "The Anatomy Of Your Soul”. This subject has been a passion from a young age and today, it has developed into a critical part in understanding the divinity in our human experience.

Through Eddie's extensive Master Course -"The Comprehensive Mentorship For The Awakening Consciousness" he teaches his students The Entourage Healing Modality. It is powerful method of healing developed over a decade with the help of his divine assistance - The Entourage.

In 2017, Eddie introduced to the world one of his inventions: “The Compassion Gauge Tool”. with the help of his friend and master programmer, Peter Bakalov. The Compassion Gauge Tool can automatically detect and measure the level of compassion. Once the user clicks the button, the system recognizes their state-of-being and, in a fraction of a second, shows the level of compassion ranging from one (1) through ten (10).

Eddie's most recent development is his connection with The Seven Founders - The Original Whales. Together with Gaia, the four created "The Spectacle", a two-part healing journey designed to elevate our consciousness in a profound way. After The Spectacle was launched on July 25th, 2023 the experiences of numerous participants made it clear that The Spectacle was divinely given to us for the betterment of humanity.

Eddie’s ongoing work includes a wide range of subjects. You’re invited to join us here on Vort8x the loving community on his online platform to connect with like-hearts. There you will find the services offered and ways to contact Eddie directly.

We look forward to meeting you.

Submit your request using the form below, and allow at least 1-3 business days for a reply. 

Host Eddie BenAbraham

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