Compassionate Gatherings
World Wide Events
Published December, 24th 2021
Our Mission:
Heart Circles Unite mission is to help bring people together to evoke compassion celebrate life, heal one another and shine brighter than the sun.
Establish communities where people honor and value one another with Transparency, Integrity and Compassion. Provide emotional and spiritual support to help raise the collective level of compassion and unity, in every community around the world. Heal our civilization and planet for our own well-being and generations to come.
Because it is time we establish the new Compassionate Family of Earth. To help prepare each one of you for the Golden Age that’s coming that is a beautiful way of living in peace, freedom and harmony. To heal ourselves and our planet for many generations to come. Our ascension and graduation as a civilization is dependent on the love of your compassion.
Details coming soon.
Public or private grounds with large open space in your city or state. Such as beaches, forests, desserts etc.
- Love
- Honor
- Respect
- Kindness
Remember, free-choice is the catalyst of life therefore, it is imperative you practice your primary duty through the gift of free choice to consciously create heaven on earth. We have much work ahead of us and the only way succeed, is through unity.
Sacred Plant-Medicine Ceremonies
Beautiful soul family,
You are invited to join us in the sacredness of a profound ceremony.
Together we will open the majestic doors of healing expansion and advancement.
The ascension process is here and as our planet moves closer and closer to the timing of the quickening.
It is time to cleanse and rejuvenate our mind, body and soul.
We look forward to your divine presence.
Contact Us for Heart Circles Unite
Measure Your Compassion
The objective is to find out how compassionate this healing event is.
For the first 5 seconds, you will see your own result before it is combined into a collective-average.
- Click once.
- No Personal Information is Needed.
- The Tool Detects Your Energy The Moment You "VOTE".
- The more compassion the subject evokes in you, the higher they will rank.
Click here to learn how it works
Why Measure Compassion?
Our goal is to promote compassionate actions in world communities. We offer the Compassion Gauge Tool on specific pages with the intent to inspire people and organizations to meld compassion into their mission and values.
The more compassion the subject evokes in you, the higher the results.
Eddie BenAbraham
President and co-founder
What If I Get Zero?
Does NOT mean you are not a compassionate person!
Compassion is a state-of-being just like love, anger or joy and for each state, there are different levels of experience.
Compassion – Marketing For A New Era – What Will You Choose?
Compassion measurement tool, Compassion measurement, Self compassion measure, Measuring compassion, Levels of compassion, How to measure compassion
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