Transmute Fear to Calm – Global Healing Session

March 5th at 4;44pm. Your local time.

Please Join us along with many around the world who are stepping up with incredible intent to:


Transmute the the fear around the world into calm and joy.


Heal the uncertainty and dissolve the fear that "coronav" caused.


Vote Your Compassion below, every vote counts.

Published on March 1st 2020


Because we can and we are.


With our combined love and compassion:
Our intent is to transmute the anxiety, fear and uncertainty into benevolent balance of calm, joy and clarity. 


  • Date – Thursday March 5th 2020.
  • Time – 4;44pm wherever you are located.
  • For as long as you want.

Starting at 4;44pm in New Zealand and will continue for 24 hours where we will close at 4;44pm local time in Samoa USA. Creating a “444 Band of Healing” around the world. Complete with the prayers, healing energy, meditation, dance and all the beautiful modalities you each are gifted with.

Vote Your Compassion below, every vote counts. Let’s be the love we want to see in the world.


  • Worldwide.

Who can join?

  • Everyone!

I’m not a healer, how can I help?

In our “book”, each and every one of you has the power to facilitate healing within yourself and in others. Choose a method that is close to your heart, and go for it.

Pray, meditate, sing, dance…. all are a form of energy movers.

Your pure intent is key!

Have a ceremony with candles and crystals or lovingly sit under a tree with compassionate thoughts and feelings.
You are part of the whole and the whole is part of you. Together with focused-intent we are profoundly powerful.

Join Us Here on Vort8x

or Facebook

Watch How It Started


Total Votes: 47

Measure Your Compassion 

The objective is to find out how compassionate this healing event is. 

For the first 5 seconds, you will see your own result before it is combined into a collective-average.

  • Click once.
  • No Personal Information is Needed.
  • The Tool Detects Your Energy The Moment You "VOTE".
  • The more compassion the subject evokes in you, the higher they will rank.
    Click here to learn how it works

Why Measure Compassion?

Our goal is to promote compassionate actions in world communities. We offer the Compassion Gauge Tool on specific pages with the intent to inspire people and organizations to meld compassion into their mission and values.
The more compassion the subject evokes in you, the higher the results.
Eddie BenAbraham
President and co-founder

What If I Get Zero?

 Does NOT mean you are not a compassionate person!
Compassion is a state-of-being just like love, anger or joy and for each state, there are different levels of experience.  

Compassion – Marketing For A New Era – What Will You Choose?

Read all about it here (click)

Compassion measurement tool, Compassion measurement, Self compassion measure, Measuring compassion, Levels of compassion, How to measure compassion

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