Thursday – Global Healing Sessions
Take part in healing our world with the profound energy of love and compassion.
Please join us along with many around the world who are stepping up with incredible intent to create the new world we aspire to live in.
Part of our Global Mindfulness Week schedule to support, guide and facilitate higher consciousness around the world.
Vote Compassion in Each Session Page to Measure Your Compassion.

Quick Welcome Video
Every Week

444 #HealTheChildren – Prayer Meditation Healing Global Healing Session
Each Thurday at 4;44pm
July 2020

Detox The Negative With Love and Compassion - 444 Global Healing Session
Each Thurday at 4;44pm
June 2020

Detox The Negative With Love and Compassion - 444 Global Healing Session
June, 4th 2020 at 4;44pm
Detox The Negative With Love and Compassion - 444 Global Healing Session
June, 11th 2020 at 4;44pm
Detox The Negative With Love and Compassion - 444 Global Healing Session
June, 18th 2020 at 4;44pm
Detox The Negative With Love and Compassion - 444 Global Healing Session
June, 25th 2020 at 4;44pm
May 2020

Global Detox Meditation – Calling 3.5 Million Lightworkers
May, 7th 2020 at 4;44pm
Global Detox Meditation – Calling 3.5 Million Lightworkers
May, 14th 2020 at 4;44pm
Global Detox Meditation – Calling 3.5 Million Lightworkers
May, 21st 2020 at 4;44pm
Global Detox Meditation – Calling 3.5 Million Lightworkers
May, 28th 2020 at 4;44pm
April 2020

Project Love Into The Grid - 444 Global Healing Session
April 2nd 2020 at 4;44pm
Transmute Fear Into Love – 444 Global Healing Session
April 9th 2020 at 4;44pm
Transmute Fear Into Love – 444 Global Healing Session #2
April, 16th 2020 at 4;44pm
Global Detox Meditation – Calling 3.5 Million Lightworkers
April, 23rd 2020 at 4;44pm
Global Detox Meditation – Calling 3.5 Million Lightworkers
April, 30th 2020 at 4;44pm
March 2020

Transmute Fear into Calm 444
March 5th 2020 at 4;44pm
Transmute Fear into Calm 444 - Round 2
March 12th 2020 at 4;44pm
Transmute Fear into Calm 444 - Round 3
March 19th 2020 at 4;44pm
Heal and Pray For Calm & Unity – 444 #4
March 26th 2020 at 4;44pm
February 2020

Session 1 – Transmute “CoronaV”
February 6th 2020. See details.
Transmute “CoronaV” Round 2
February 13th 2020 at 4;44pm
Transmute “CoronaV” Round 3
February 20th 2020 at 4;44pm
Measure Your Compassion
The objective is to find out how compassionate this healing event is.
For the first 5 seconds, you will see your own result before it is combined into a collective-average.
- Click once.
- No Personal Information is Needed.
- The Tool Detects Your Energy The Moment You “VOTE”.
- The more compassion the organization evokes in you, the higher they will rank.
Click here to learn how it works
What If I Get Zero?
Does NOT mean you are not a compassionate person!
Compassion is a state-of-being just like love, anger or joy and for each state, there are different levels of experience.
Why Measure Compassion?
Our goal is to promote compassionate actions in world communities. We offer the Compassion Gauge Tool on specific pages with the intent to inspire people and organizations to meld compassion into their mission and values.
The more compassion the subject evokes in you, the higher the results.
Your contribution is highly appreciated.
Your funds will assist in our continued development of the Compassion Tool and community effort worldwide to make this planet healtheir and happier to live in.