Earth’s Core 2030 and
Your Compassionate Responsibility

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Note From Eddie:
Please share with everyone, we must take charge of our reality in a conscious, loving, and compassionate way. If you have any questions feel free to use this form to contact me directly.
Tons of love dear brothers and sisters.
Light Has Won!

Channeled by Edde BenAbarahm February 27th and March 7th. 2025

Greetings beloved Earth souls, we are The seven Founders repressing The Original Whales.

We come before you at this particular time on your calendar. There are messages you need to hear that will help support you in the coming days. We sit with you in this new energy, one that is permeating benevolence, unity and compassion. It is your courage and determination that brought you to this potential.  One of many we say but, this one which you chose, is by far the grandest of all and we are celebrating you.

We are here today to give you messages of hope and clarity but we want to do more. We want to give you something, we ask your permission to wash your feet, soothe your heart and cleanse your body from the stagnant and that which no longer serves you in this new reality.

We will do this together; For 17 seconds we ask that you close your eyes, take a deep breath and bring the palms of your hands up facing forward. Devote your attention to the present, away from all distractions, be in the moment, be in stillness while we do the work.

(1. . . . . . . . . . . . . . .17)

We are grateful, loved one.

The Interjecting Possibilities

The shifting momentum of realities has subsided and only a few remain to experience. All these realities are in your potential for the next 6 years. These potentials will become more prevalent as you cross one threshold after another. The decisions you make individually and then collectively, are the core mechanism in the attributes of your Planet’s future. You are now well within the paradigm of revelations; it is critical for you to be aware of the types of interjecting possibilities that will come and go on your timeline. 

In the Grand scheme of things your trajectory is already set, however the gyrations of time and micro-potentials within potentials will cause temporary confusion. These are fragments of “would be” events playing out on your timeline because they still bear enough energy to partially materialize.  This is the main reason for our message today because you are now in the final years of the galactic transition of your Solar System. In 20230 the Precession Of The Equinoxes will be complete and so will the gravitational recalibration. The core of Earth will then begin a new phase in its resonance projection which will affect your time-variance and the expansion of consciousness of Earth.

Early on in our communications we spoke about the relationship between; Consciousness, time gravity, and water. Your upcoming events are related to the final transition period between the old and the new. New Earth is ready for you, however you are still preparing yourself to take the last few steps. Your consciousness is the extension of the Grand Creator and your existence in this physical reality is evolving. When consciousness shifts so does gravity, time and water. The four ingredients of reality.

 The Two Icebergs Of Reality

There are two points of time we wish to speak about. These two are coming in the near future, within the present year (2025). What we speak of are times of detachment. We will explain using the iceberg analogy.

In your regions of ice on Earth are large shelves of ice, some are close enough to land which maintains the integrity of the ice shelf. There are some that are part of the extremities of the larger ice body, those don’t always remain in place. They detach and sail on the ocean’s currents. This large fragment of the whole is one event. The second to follow will be larger and more intense in its way of separating from the whole. 

Dear ones fear not, this is part of your trajectory into the New Earth. The two “detachments” will help exert additional momentum into the timeline you are on. It will help further solidify your mission to create a grand future for all. These times will not be without “drama”, these two events are related to one another but not in the sense of Earthly reasons but from the perspective of energy and awakening consciousness. 

The accumulation of “pressure” exerted on humanity’s emotional and psychological vessel will help create more and more compassion between the awakening souls. We spoke about the energy of compassion asn we will revisit again; Compassion is the energy you must embody to enter New Earth. It is the prerequisite to cross the bridge. Humanity is on the cusp of a few different shifts, they are all important however, compassion is at the top. Your existence on Earth depends on it and your future will not be possible without the full embodiment of compassion. We are not saying that everyone on Earth must fully be in the energy, no. To make the threshold, only 1000th percent of Earth’s population (8.1 million), are going to tip the scale of compassion forever. 

This is within your trajectory; this is attainable; do not distract yourself with fear mongering. You chose to stay and continue the game of life and the events are the result of that choice you have already made years ago.

Dear human, we love and honor you, we are celebrating your times and achievements. In 30 years from now you will look back and say “We crossed the bridge successfully and when we did, we were able to see what we left behind – We will never allow that again”

The importance of your existence is known throughout the galaxies and the eyes and hearts of every galactic family are sitting on the edge of their seats ready to jump with excitement when you arrive at your destination. 

We are grateful, and in love with you.

Your family,  The Seven Founders and the Original Whales.


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